Monday, 08 June 2015

Al Sharpton’s daughter Suing NYC for Five Million

ankle injury2Al Sharpton’s daughter Dominique is suing New York City for five million dollars after she sprained her ankle on uneven pavement. According to her father’s company National Action Network, Dominique has been in continuous pain ever since the injury. Although a few months after the incident she was seen using both of her feet with ease at events in Washington, D.C. and Miami, she is still seeking a settlement for medical bills and future pain.

Ankle sprains are common, but need immediate attention. If you have any concerns about your potential ankle sprain contact one of podiatrist of Memorial Podiatry LLC. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

How Does an Ankle Sprain Occur?

Ankle sprains take place when the ligaments in your ankle are torn or stretched beyond their limits. There are multiple ways that the ankle can become injured, including twisting or rolling over onto your ankle, putting undue stress on it, or causing trauma to the ankle itself.

What are the Symptoms?

  • Mild to moderate bruising
  • Limited mobility
  • Swelling
  • Discoloration of the skin (depending on severity)


Preventing a Sprain

  • Wearing appropriate shoes for the occasion
  • Stretching before exercises and sports
  • Knowing your limits can aid in prevention

Treatment of a Sprain

Treatment of a sprain depends on the severity. Many times, people are told to rest and remain off their feet completely, while others are given an air cast. If the sprain is very severe, surgery may be required.

If you have suffered an ankle sprain previously, you may want to consider additional support such as a brace and regular exercises to strengthen the ankle.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Texas. We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about ankle sprains.

Location & Hours

603 Wycliffe Dr, Suite B
Houston, TX 77079

Phone: (713) 722-0136
Fax: (713) 722-0137

Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday 10am-6pm
Wed. Thurs. Fri. - By appointment


Foot and Ankle Pain
  • Bunion relief
  • Surgical foot reconstruction
  • Ankle sprain/instability
  • Sports medicine
  • Tendonitis/tendon ruptures
  • Congenital foot deformity correction
  • Foot skin conditions
  • Wound care

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